Friday, November 29, 2013

Daily Life in Ancient Egypt (Marriage)

In Egypt marriage was a very symbolic time in life and was considered to be a blessed bond. Since in those times death occurred earlier in life, a bride would be around the age of 13-15 years old and her husband would be around 17-20 years old. In an ancient Egyptian marriage if both of the husband and wife decide to get a divorce they will agree (similar to a contract) to share equally what they keep (Dowries) and what they give to the other person. In ancient Egypt marriage was very similar to today’s marriages, since they included requirements similar to a contract.
In ancient Egypt, give birth and pregnancy were a very important and difficult process which most of ancient Egyptian families were afraid of all the time. Many spells and many medicines where made in order to make the whole process go well. In Egypt since children were considered to be a blessing it was very important that the child got delivered healthy and alive but, since then there were less medications and less health care more children died of infection and diseases. Many gods and goddesses were a part of the pregnancy and birth some of the gods and goddesses include Bes (who is the god of protecting households and the mother and child), and Hathor (is the goddess of love, motherhood, and joy). Without many of the medicines and great beliefs of the ancient Egyptians childbirth would be very hard for the mothers. 
Childhood - Children were never given a voice in ancient Egypt. 
Small Children lived with their mothers and other female relatives in a special part of the house.  Many babies and small children died at birth due to the lack of knowledge and health care.  But the parents tried to prevent any accidents and illness by using special spells and charms.  During the first years of the children’s life they spend a lot of time learning basic skills such as walking, speaking and playing, no economic role.     
Boy’s heads had to be shaved, leaving only one plated lock.  But this was cut off when the boy reached twelve.  When the boys are only four years old their fathers start training them on the job that the father currently has. 

Girls were raised to get married and look after the house and their children (when they are older).  The Egyptian girls married very young at about 12. 

Children had many different toys and games that they often played.  If the children died young, some of these toys were buried in their graves with them.  Some of the toys include dolls, balls, tops, animal toys, and board games that resembled checkers.  Some children made their own toys, but there were also toy makers.  Many Egyptian families had a household pet that the children played with and helped look after, most families had a cat.

Children of wealthy families had more time to play, unlike poor families who had to have their children work with them in the fields with their father or at home with their mother.  

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